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Math Workshop for Parents

Posted Date: 10/28/2022

Back by popular demand!

Understanding Intermediate School Mathematics – A Parent Workshop

Thursday, November 10th, 2022

9:30 – 11:00 A.M.

Room 118 at WIS

Now that we can again welcome parents in our building, we are pleased to invite you to our upcoming parent workshop. Our goal is to help you understand the math your child is learning and allow you to better support that learning at home.  This session will be interactive and hands-on, so come excited to learn some new ways to think about mathematics!

Reservations are needed as space is limited, and we need to know how many sets of materials to prepare. If we exceed our capacity, another session will be offered.

Please respond no later than Nov. 7th  to

Please include your name and your child’s/children’s grade level(s) in your response.

We look forward to seeing you!