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The week ahead at WIS

Posted Date: 11/16/2023

Weston Intermediate School

Patricia Falber, Principal

Leslie Ford, Assistant Principal

95 School Road

Weston, Connecticut 06883

Telephone: (203) 221-6330


November 16, 2023



Dear WIS Families,


Our students had fun learning about Veterans Day and showing their appreciation of those who have served our country.. The students have been making cards to say thank you during their lunch time, and the Veterans Drive was a huge success with lots of items being sent off. Thank you to all of you who contributed to this successful Drive.


This Friday, November 17, is Picture Retake Day. If you would like to have your child’s picture taken again, just let them know. We will be calling students down by their grade throughout the day on Friday. 


Last reminder for this weekend’s Harlem Wizards game. On Saturday, November 18 at 4 PM. The high-flying Harlem Wizards will be playing Weston’s Brainy Bunch at the high school gym.  The Brainy Bunch is a team of Weston’s K-12 teachers, administrators and staff.  Players representing Weston Intermediate School, so far, are Ms. Rice, Mr. Adams, Ms. Jackson, Ms. Huynh, Mr. Douglas, Mrs. Barlow and Mr. LaPlaca.  Additionally, entertainment and performances will be provided by Weston Youth Cheer and Weston High School’s very own band: Main Tain and singing group: Westones. This game is sponsored by the Weston Education Foundation.  All net proceeds will contribute to school-based grants.  Come out and support the team! Tickets may be purchased here:


Lastly, I hope everyone has a very happy Thanksgiving next week.  Schools will be closed on Wednesday, November 22 for the start of the Thanksgiving recess and will resume on Monday, November 27. I am truly thankful for all you do to support our students and staff.


I hope you have a good week, and I hope to see many of you on Saturday at the Harlem Wizards game.


Happy Thanksgiving!


Warm regards,


Patricia Falber 
