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The week ahead at WIS

Posted Date: 12/11/2023

Weston Intermediate School

Patricia Falber, Principal

Leslie Ford, Assistant Principal

95 School Road

Weston, Connecticut 06883

Telephone: (203) 221-6330


December 11, 2023


Dear WIS Families,

I hope everyone had a good weekend, and for those celebrating Hanukkah I hope you are enjoying the holidays! 

Here are some of our recent and upcoming events:

Kindness Ninja: Last Thursday our students participated in an assembly on Kindness. Brian Williams, who is referred to as the “Kindness Ninja”, spoke to the students about the importance of kindness and how everyone has the  ability to impact someone’s life in a positive way. It was an inspiring, high-spirited presentation, and the students are working on keeping track of their acts of kindness, so that we can hit our goal of 5,000 school-wide before the end of December! An ambitious goal, but as Brian pointed out if everyone did only 2 acts each day we would make our goal.

Winter Coat Drive: The PTO is sponsoring a winter coat drive which will run through Monday, December 11. They are collecting winter coats and outerwear, including boots, that are in good condition in sizes 6 through adult. Donations may be dropped off in the bins located in our front hallway. All donations will benefit Head Start Norwalk to support local families in need.

Weston Historical Society: The third graders will be going there this week to learn more about the history of Weston and about life in Weston long ago. 

Monday, Dec. 11 – 9:00am Ms. Davignon’s class, 10:45am Mrs. Pando & Ms. Rice’s classes

Tuesday, Dec. 12 – 9:00am Mrs. Larrabee & Mrs. Luby classes, 10:45 Mrs. Brown & Mr. Cannito’s classes

Singing at the Senior Center: The fifth grade chorus will be visiting the Weston Senior Center on Wednesday to sing a variety of holiday songs, and bring some holiday cheer to our seniors. 

Lastly, just a reminder that Friday, December 22 is an early dismissal day. Students will be dismissed at 12:35. 

I hope everyone has a great week.



Patricia Falber, Principal