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Weekly Family Update!

Posted Date: 09/16/2024

September 15, 2024

Dear WIS Families,

This week we had our first full week of school, and the students were quick to adapt to the full week and happy to participate in Monday only specials, such as Art, Maker-Tech and Health. Last week we also held our first Back-to-School Nights for our families of third and fourth grade students. The evenings went well and the halls and classrooms were full of enthusiastic and happy parents and staff - they were fun and informative nights. Our next Back-to-School Night is on Tuesday, September 17 for families of fifth grade students. The presentations start at 6:30pm in your child’s homeroom classroom. 

Many after-school activities also began last week, so please make sure to update any changes for your child’s dismissal into Dismissal Manager.

Dismissal Manager

The deadline for dismissal changes is 1:00 p.m. on a regular school day.  On an early dismissal day the deadline is 10:00 a.m. for changes.  If for some reason, your child’s after school program is canceled, you will need to change their plans.  The program does not automatically change for them.  Most of our after school programs are run by outside agencies. 

ARC -  New Reading Curriculum:

This year we are implementing a new resource for our English-language arts curriculum, ARC Core from the American Reading Company. ARC Core is an award-winning, high-quality curriculum that supports student reading development with engaging texts, authentic research, and foundational skills instruction. It is a high-quality instructional material (HQIM) built on the Science of Reading and recognized as one of 8 curricula that builds knowledge according to the Knowledge Matters Campaign

Please take a moment to read the letter from our Curriculum Instructional Leader, Alex Bluestein, for more information on ARC. ARC Letter

Back to School Night

Fifth grade Back to School Night will be held on Tuesday, September 17 at 6:30 p.m.  We hope you can join the teachers in your child’s homeroom classroom for this informative evening. As students in grade five work with two teachers this year - one for math and science, and one for reading and language arts, the evening has been designed so that you will be able to hear from both of your child’s teachers.Just a reminder that this event is for adults only.  Be sure to stop by the PTO table where they have an amazing array of Spiritwear for sale.

School Climate Survey

Each year we administer a climate survey to students, families, and staff to provide us with essential feedback on the climate of our school to ensure students feel physically, socially, and emotionally safe in our school. This year we are transitioning to the Panorama Education platform and will be administering surveys in the fall and spring. These surveys will help us gather comprehensive data on the experiences and perceptions of our students, staff, and families. We will be administering the survey to the students in the coming  week. 

 A letter will be sent to families tomorrow, Monday, September 16 from Tracy Edwards, Director of Pupil Personnel Services, which will include the link to the Family Survey. 

Demographic Update from Parent Portal

Please check your email for the annual Demographic update for the parent portal of Power School from the Weston Public Schools.  This is where you will update your information as well as annual permissions.  Please complete this as soon as possible.

Summer Reading and Math Logs

Just a reminder for the students to turn in their summer reading and math logs by Monday September 16. We will be having grade-level assemblies later this month to recognize the students and acknowledge all the reading and math they did this summer. If students need a new reading log to record their reading activities, blank copies are available in the LRC.


Important Dates:

Monday, September 16 – 7:00pm Board of Education meeting, WMS

Tuesday, September 17 – 6:30pm Grade 5 Back-to-School Night, Parents/Guardians only

Wednesday, September 25 – 9:00am PTO meeting WIS Cafetorium

We greatly appreciate your ongoing support and partnership in making this school year a positive experience for everyone. We are excited to continue working together to ensure a wonderful year ahead.

Warm Regards,

Patricia Falber
