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Weekly Family Update!

Posted Date: 09/30/2024

September 29, 2024

Dear WIS Families,

With October just around the corner, we have a lot of fun and exciting events taking place. Please take a moment to read about some of these upcoming events below. I have also included some important information about technology and math in order to respond to some questions we have received about each of them.

 Math Curriculum Information:

As the grade five teachers mentioned at Back-to-School night, the fifth grade students transitioned to Illustrative Mathematics for their core curriculum resource this year. This resource will help us continue to support our goal of ensuring all students demonstrate growth in their conceptual understanding of mathematical concepts, become  deeper mathematical thinkers and more confident problem solvers. In all grades, students are engaged in hands-on experiences that take them through a concrete-pictorial-abstract mathematical process to help them develop as mathematicians. Attached is a letter from our curriculum instructional leaders in mathematics, that provides more information about the K-5 math curriculum.24-25 K-5 Math Letter to Families.pdf

We will be hosting a math meeting for parents to provide a hands-on look at the new program. More information will be sent out soon. 

Digital Safety and Technology:

At WIS, students are given their own Chromebook. While the third grade students keep their computers in their classroom, all students received lessons on safety and the appropriate use of their computer at the start of school.  Students learned about the importance of using the Chromebook appropriately and being responsible to take good care of it and not mishandling to avoid any damages. Time is also spent reinforcing the importance of keeping passwords private and not sharing personal information online. At the end of the lessons, all students are then asked to sign their Digital Citizenship Charter to acknowledge that they understand and agree to the expectations. A copy of our Charter is linked here: WIS Digital Citizenship Charter link 

As safety is of utmost importance, please know that when computers go home, there is a web filter (Go Guardian) on all Chromebooks that work at home, or anywhere that the computer is connected to the internet, that monitors and tracks all activity. We also use other products to monitor students for any inappropriate content such as violence or depression which is brought to our attention immediately.  Additionally, the district offers an app called Go Guardian Parents, which can be installed on your phone so that after school hours, parents/guardians have the ability to lock down the Chromebook even further. Each year Dan DiVito, Director of Digital Learning & Technology sends out information about this option, and he will be sending it out again soon. 


Throughout the year we hold fun events to foster school spirit and build community.Two such events are coming up this week. On Wednesday, we are holding a Book Character Dress Up Day. Students, and staff, are encouraged to come to school dressed as their favorite character. And, on Friday, October 4, we encourage everyone to wear blue and gold or WIS PRIDE shirts to show their school spirit. It has become a tradition at WIS to set aside the first Friday of every month as a WIS school spirit day. 

School Climate Survey:

Just a gentle reminder that the School Climate Survey is still open for parent/guardian feedback. We encourage you to participate as this gives us valuable information. For your convenience, here is the link again.
Family Survey Link: Family Survey

Food Drive:

Our Food Drive ends tomorrow, Monday, September 30. So far we have received almost 100 bags of food. All donations  go to the Weston Food Pantry, and all donations are welcome and much appreciated.

Hispanic Heritage Month:

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month starting September 15th through October 15th, the office of Congressman, Jim Himes, is holding an essay contest to honor Hispanic/Latinx icons and their legacy. The attached letter has information for any students interested in participating. Please contact Congressman Himes' office directly should you have any questions. Submissions must be received in their office by Friday, October 4th.

Important Dates:

September 30: Food Drive Ends - all donations welcome

September 30: Students may now ride on a friend’s bus. Please ensure to update Dismissal Manager with this information if your child is going to ride on a different bus. Please limit this to no more than two friends riding home with a friend to prevent overcrowding.

October 3: School closed for Rosh Hashanah

October 7 - October 11: WIS Book Fair

October 10: Picture Day

October 11: Early dismissal at 12:35 p.m. for staff professional development

October 14: School Closed for Indigenous People/Columbus Day

We greatly appreciate your ongoing support and partnership in making this school year a positive experience for everyone.

Warm Regards,

Patricia Falber
