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Weekly Family Update!

Posted Date: 01/06/2025

January 5, 2025

Dear WIS Families,

Happy New Year! I hope your Winter Break was joyful. 

This week on Thursday evening our fourth and fifth grade chorus and fifth grade orchestra will hold their winter concert at 7pm in the WIS Cafetorium. All are welcome to attend. Later this month, the 5th grade band and 4th grade orchestra will hold their concerts.

Also this week our fourth and fifth grade students will be taking the winter MAP assessment for reading. More information about these assessments is included below along with some other upcoming events:


Winter Progress Monitoring

In addition to ongoing classroom assessment of progress, our district administers universal screener assessments throughout the year. The NWEA MAP assessments which provide our staff with valuable information regarding your child’s academic progress will be administered this month. 4th and 5th graders will take the winter MAP assessment for reading the week of January 6-10. During the week of January 13 - 17, all students in grades 3-5 will take the winter MAP assessment for math. The universal screener for 3rd graders in reading is the DIBELS8. This assesses fluency and decoding and will be administered the week of January 13-17. Weston uses multiple forms of assessment (e.g., formative, summative) to monitor student growth, understanding that no single measure provides the complete picture of a child’s progress. We are committed to ensuring that each child continues to grow academically. 


Language Arts Informational Session for Families

Save the date of Tuesday, January 28 at 9:15 a.m. for this informative session with our Curriculum Instructional Leader, Alex Bluestein. Mrs. Bluestein will share information about our new reading program, ARC Core, and strategies for promoting literacy at home.  Please RSVP if you plan to attend by using this FORM.


WIS Yearbook Cover

The Yearbook committee is running a cover contest! Students interested in designing this year's cover should submit an 8.5 x 11 vertical cover to the front office. The cover should be creative, an original drawing (not traced), done without adult help, and in color. Student's name and grade should be on the BACK in light pencil. Covers due by January 10th. 


PTO Winter Coat Drive

The PTO is sponsoring a Winter Coat Drive. Donate your gently used coats to help someone in our community stay warm. Students can drop off coats in the collection box located at the front doors of WIS. The Drive starts Monday and will continue through January 15th.  


Performing Arts in WIS

Our first winter concert will take place on Thursday, January 9th for the 4th and 5th grade chorus and 5th grade orchestra. The concert will take place at 7pm in the WIS Cafetorium. The 5th grade Band and the 4th grade Orchestra will hold their concert later this month, on Thursday evening, January 30.


Important Dates:

January 9: 4th and 5th grade Chorus and 5th grade Orchestra Concert, 7pm

January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. day - No School

January 28: Language Arts Informational Session for Families at 9:15 am

January 30: Instrumental Debut Concert - 5th grade Band and 4th grade Orchestra, 7pm


Warm Regards,

Patricia Falber
